Imagine authentic Native American arts and the opportunity to interact directly with a Pueblo tour guide. The Poeh Center emphasizes cultural preservation and revitalization through the arts and cultures of all Pueblo People — with a focus on the Tewa-speaking Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, and Tesuque.
After thirty-five years, the Center, its educational initiative, Poeh Arts, and its Museum have taken that mission to heart and evolved into successful vehicles for artistic expression, both Native American and public education and successful economic development strategies.
The Poeh operates and manages the Pathways Indigenous Arts Festival, Native Artist Showcase, Pojoaque Farmers Market, Poeh Marketplace, Poeh Arts, Smithsonian Di Wea Powa Collection, and is home to the Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery.
78 Cities of Gold Road
Santa Fe, NM 87506